2014-2019 清华大学经管学院,博士
2017-2018 美国纽约州立大学MG冰球突破官网网站,联合培养博士
2010-2014 MG冰球突破官网网站,本科
2022-至今 MG冰球突破官网网站,副教授
2019-2022 MG冰球突破官网网站,讲师
2023 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Best Paper (Carlo Masini Award)
- Li, Q., Jiang, P., She, Z., & Ma, L. (2024). Too depleted to work? A daily study on how work-related ICT use after hours influences employee next-day work procrastination behavior. Work & Stress, forthcoming. [ABS 4]
- Ocampo, A. C. G., Gu, J., Li, Q., Koseoglu, G., Wang, L., & Ashkanasy, N. M. (2024). A multimethod investigation of the interpersonal effects of leader perfectionism and anger expression on employee psychological safety and creativity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, forthcoming. [ABS 4]
- She, Z., Ma, L., Li, Q., & Jiang, P. (2024). Help or hindrance? The effects of leader workaholism on employee creativity. Journal of Business Research, forthcoming. [ABS 3]
- Lee-Kugler, T., Gu, J., Li, Q., Eva, N., & Mitchell, R. (2024). Will a moral follower please stand up (to the Machiavellian leader)? The effects of Machiavellian leadership on moral anger and whistleblowing. Journal of Business Ethics, Advance online. [FT50]
- She, Z., & Li, Q. (2023). When too little or too much hurts: evidence for a curvilinear relationship between cyberloafing and task performance in public organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(4), 1141-1158. [FT50]
- Li, Q., She, Z., & Gu, J. (2022). Managerial coaching and employee knowledge sharing: A daily diary study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(4), 821-845. [ABS 4]
- Zhang, M., Dou, J., Sharon, F., Margaret, S. A., & Li, Q. (2022). The relationship between gender and work-to-family conflict among Chinese managers: Testing a moderated mediation model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(12), 2541-2563. [ABS 3]
- She, Z., Li, Q., & Zhou, J. (2021). How CEO workaholism influences firm performance: The roles of collective organizational engagement and TMT power distance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-12. [SSCI]
- She, Z., Li, Q., Yang, B., & Yang, B. (2020). Paradoxical leadership and hospitality employees' service performance: The role of leader identification and need for cognitive closure. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, 1-11. [ABS 3]
- She, Z., Li, Q., London, M., Yang, B., & Yang, B. (2019). Effects of CEO narcissism on decision-making comprehensiveness and speed. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(1), 42-55. [ABS 3]
- She, Z., Li, B., Li, Q., London, M., & Yang, B. (2019). The double-edged sword of coaching: Relationships between managers' coaching and their personal accomplishment and role overload. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 30(2), 245-266. [ABS 2]
- Li, Q., She, Z., & Yang, B. (2018). Promoting innovative performance in multidisciplinary teams: The roles of paradoxical leadership and team perspective taking. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-12. [SSCI]
- 李全, 佘卓霖, 杨百寅, 杨斌. (2023). 推力还是阻力?工作狂领导对下属创造力的非线性影响研究. 管理评论, 35(4), 203-214.
- 李全, 佘卓霖, 杨百寅. (2021). 工作狂领导对团队创造力的影响研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 42(2), 146-160.
- 佘卓霖, 李全, 杨百寅, 杨斌. (2021). 工作狂领导对团队绩效的双刃剑作用机制. 心理学报, 53(9), 1018-1031.
- 李全, 佘卓霖, 杨百寅. (2020). 自恋领导对下属绩效的影响研究:基于关系视角. 技术经济, 39(12), 163-170.
- 佘卓霖, 李全, 孔奕淳, 杨百寅. (2020). 工作狂领导有利于下属绩效吗?下属工作中心性的调节作用. 中国人力资源开发, 37(6), 44-55.
- 李全, 佘卓霖, 杨百寅. (2019). 自恋型CEO对企业战略决策效果的影响机制研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 40(2), 84-98.
- 李全, 佘卓霖, 杨百寅, 齐明正. (2018). 工作狂型CEO对组织绩效的影响研究. 管理学报, 15(10), 996-1002.
- 赵锴, 杨百寅, 李全. (2016). 战略领导力、双元性学习与组织创新: 一个理论模型的探析. 科学学与科学技术管理, 37(3), 168-180.
- 李全, 佘卓霖. (2023). 多层次线性模型分析方法//管理研究方法(王永贵主编). 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.
- Li, Q., & She, Z. (2020). The impact of workaholic leaders on followers' continuous learning. In M. London. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning, Second Edition (Chapter 29). Oxford University Press.
- 佘卓霖, 李全. (2022). 以云为桥, 化危为机: 疫情下A国企的云端入职培训模式初探. 中国社会科学案例库.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics、Current Psychology、Chinese Management Studies、Nankai Business Review International、International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration、心理学报、中国人力资源开发