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企业管理系学术讲座 | 主题:Knowledge Dependence in Global Value Chains

发布时间: 2023-06-02
浏览次数: 10

主题:Knowledge Dependence in Global Value Chains




孙黎为美国洛厄尔麻省大学创业与创新副教授,博士生课程导师,达拉斯德州大学全球战略管理博士,香港中文大学哲学硕士(市场学方向)、中国人民大学学士(科技档案管理与科学哲学)。他对创业、战略管理、国际企业与公司创新有深入的研究,共有60多篇英文文章在西方管理学报上发表, 其中16篇名列Financial Times 50研究学报。他的研究在谷歌学术上被引用总计超过6700次。根据汤森路透基本科学指标(Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators),四篇论文名列“高被引论文”(在其学术领域的前1%),目前担任《管理研究学报》与《产品创新管理学报》编辑部成员。他著有14本独立著作,5本第一作者著作;2本第二作者著作,他拥有11年跨国公司管理、咨询与创业经验,1998年即当选为中国上市公司中当时最年轻的执行董事,积累了丰富的公司治理经验;2001年创办的高科技企业引入Intel等国际风险投资的资金。


Global value chains (GVCs) literature shows suppliers engaging in global value chains (GVCs) increases their innovations but lose their independence from a lead firm like Apple, and then reduce their value appropriation. How can a supplier gain technological impact and capture value from GVCs? We argue that the GVC is a distributed innovation system, in which knowledge is dispersed and flowing among different GVC actors. This builds knowledge dependence among GVC actors. Knowledge dependence on different actors and its interaction with ease of knowledge combination alters innovation process, and thus innovation outcomes and value capture. Knowledge dependence of focal suppliers on Apple as a lead firm in GVC, as well as knowledge dependence on other suppliers has a positive effect on innovation impact of focal suppliers. Ease of knowledge combination moderates the relationship between knowledge dependence and innovation impact. Furthermore, the mechanisms show most useful when focal suppliers attempt to develop moderate knowledge dependence on Apple, that is, there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between knowledge dependence on Apple and value capture. Our theory and results contribute to the existing literature on knowledge dependence, distributed innovation, and GVC configuration.