2018-2023 奥本大学,工业与组织心理学,哲学博士
2015-2018 中国科学技术大学,工商管理,管理学硕士
2012-2015 山东大学,人力资源管理,人力资源管理双学位
2011-2015 山东大学,软件工程,工学学士
2022 Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award, First Prize.
2022 Best paper proceedings (10%), AOM, Seattle, WA, U.S.
2020 Best paper proceedings (10%), AOM, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Hao, L., Zong, Z., Zhao, T., Meng, W., & Meng, H. (2024). How much do family‐supportive supervisor behaviours matter? A meta‐analysis based on the ability‐motivation‐opportunity framework. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Advanced online publication.
Fan, J., Sun, T., Liu, J., Zhao, T., Glorioso, M., Chen, Z., Zhang, B., & Hack, E. (2023). How well can an AI chatbot infer personality? Examining psychometric properties of machine-inferred personality scores. Journal of Applied Psychology. 108(8), 1277–1299.
Zhao,T., Liu, J., Zawacki, A. M., Michel, J. S., &Li, H. (2023). The effects of newcomer proactive behaviours on socializationoutcomes: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(1), 1–32.
Zhao, T., Li, H., Zheng, L., & Zhang, Y. (2023). How dispositional gratitude shapes employee well-being andorganizational commitment: the mediating roles of leader-member exchange andcoworker exchange. Journal of Career Assessment, 31(1),149–171.
Ye, S., & Zhao, T.* (2023). Team knowledgemanagement: how leaders’ expertise recognition influences expertise utilization. Management Decision, 61(1), 77–96.
Zhang, S., Zhao, T.*, Liu, X., Wei, C., & Liu, S. (2023). Trait gratitude and subjective career success: the mediating roles of growth mindsetand network breadth. Career Development International, 28(3), 300–313.
Li, H., Yao, X., Zhao, T., Fan,J., & Lai, L. (2022). Testing the effects of a coping orientation programin reducing newcomers’ psychological contract breach: A field experiment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 138, 103786.
Hao, L., Zhu, H., He, Y.,Duan, J., Zhao, T., & Meng, H.(2022). When is silence golden? A meta-analysis onantecedents and outcomes of employee silence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 1039–1063.